Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Predicate offences

INVESTIGATIONS of predicate offen­ces can be more complex than solving mystery puzzles. Predicate offences are camouflaged in the darkness of a criminal env­­i­­ronment. For example, tax evasion can be considered a predicate offence as its unlawful profits can lead to…


Haniya Aslam Passes Away On August 11, music lovers were shocked to hear that musician Haniya Aslam had died of a heart attack in Islamabad. Along with singer and cousin Zeb Bangash, the 39-year-old Smith University graduate had been one…

Pearl Diving Festival kicks off in Kuwait

KUWAIT CITY, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) — The 33rd Pearl Diving Festival kicked off this weekend here, with 150 young Kuwaiti divers embarking on a multi-day journey. The festival started on Saturday as the divers set sail on four wooden ships,…
